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Grenada Taekwondo Association

Grenada Taekwondo Association

This is an association dedicated to the promotion and development of Taekwon-do as a martial art and as a sport. The GTA is the official and recognised body associated with the World Taekwon-do Federation (WTF) and the Grenada Olympic Committee. Great Taekwondo teams share several traits that contribute to their success in competitions. Here are some key characteristics of our exceptional Taekwondo teams:

Technical Proficiency: Team members possess a high level of technical skill in kicks, strikes, blocks, and defensive maneuvers. Mastery of Taekwondo techniques is fundamental.
Discipline: Taekwondo is a martial art that places a strong emphasis on discipline. Great teams demonstrate discipline in training, adherence to rules, and respect for opponents and officials.
Continuous Learning: Great teams are committed to continuous improvement. They analyze both victories and losses, seeking areas for enhancement and incorporating new techniques and training methods.

 The Grenada Taekwondo Association is led by  and the head coach is 


Respect for Opponents: Taekwondo is rooted in respect and sportsmanship. Teams that show respect for opponents, officials, and the sport itself demonstrate the true spirit of Taekwondo.

Sportsmanship: Embracing fair play and demonstrating good sportsmanship, even in the heat of competition, is a hallmark of great Taekwondo teams.

Technical Innovation: Embracing new training techniques, technology, and innovations in the sport can give a team a competitive advantage.

Community Engagement: Engaging with the Taekwondo community and promoting the sport locally and globally can help build a positive image for the team and contribute to its success.



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