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Grenada Cycling Federation

Grenada Cycling Federation

The Grenada Cycling Federation aims to develop and nurture the sport of cycling in Grenada. A strong cycling team possesses a combination of individual and collective attributes that contribute to success in both training and competition. Here are key attributes of a strong cycling team:

Endurance: For most people new to the sport, much of the riding they do is in the 1-3 hour range, so they are very familiar with endurance. This particular ability is used in century rides but it is tapped into during longer time trials.
Strength. This ability can not be overlooked because it is often dependent on the terrain and weather conditions. Riding uphill or into a strong headwind requires a great deal of strength.
Speed. Simply put, speed is the ability to spin the pedals at a rapid rate, but with speed also comes the need to handle and maneuver well. This ability is crucial in short time trials and bike races like those in a sprint triathlon.

 The Grenada Cycling Federation is led by  and the Vice President is 


Muscular Endurance: Basically a combination of endurance and strength, muscular endurance is the ability to go long into a strong headwind or uphill.

Anaerobic endurance: This ability is crucial for people competing in time trials and races of an hour or less. Anaerobic endurance is basically the ability to sustain a very fast speed for an extended period.

Power: Cyclists who possesses a lot of power are able to accelerate to a fast pace in a very short time. This particular skill is very useful in short races, where pace changes are frequent.



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