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Grenada Tennis Association

Grenada Tennis Association

The Grenada Tennis Association represents the country of Grenada in tennis. Great tennis players exhibit a combination of physical, mental, and emotional qualities that contribute to their success on the court. Here are some key qualities of exceptional tennis players:

Physical Fitness: A high level of physical fitness is crucial for endurance, agility, speed, and overall court coverage during matches.
Strategy and Tactical Awareness: Great players have a deep understanding of tennis strategy, recognizing opponents' weaknesses and adjusting their game plan accordingly.
Competitive Spirit: A strong desire to win and a competitive spirit drive players to give their best effort on the court, especially during crucial points and tiebreakers.

 The Grenada Tennis Association is led by  and the Vice President is 


Self-Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is important for maintaining a high level of commitment to training and consistently pushing one's limits.

Effective Serving: A powerful and accurate serve is a significant asset for tennis players, providing them with an advantage right from the start of each point.

Quick Reflexes: Rapid reactions and quick reflexes are vital for returning fast serves and handling unexpected shots during rallies.



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