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Grand Anse, Grenada

Grenada Athletic Assoc.

Grenada Athletic Association

The Grenada Athletic Association (GAA) is the governing body for the sport of athletics in Grenada. GAA was founded as Grenada Amateur Athletic Association in 1924, and was affiliated to the IAAF in 1970. Current president is Charles George. He was re-elected in 2014 for another four-year term. GAA is the national member federation for Grenada in the following international organizations: 

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association (NACAC)
Association of Panamerican Athletics (APA)
Central American and Caribbean Athletic, Confederation (CACAC)

 The Grenada Athletic Association is led by  and the head coach is 


Diversity and Inclusion:  Teams that value diversity and inclusion benefit from a range of perspectives and skills, creating a richer and more dynamic environment.

Ethical Conduct: Upholding ethical standards and fair play is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the team and the sport.

Talent and Skill: Great teams have athletes with a high level of individual talent and skill in their respective sports.



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