Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 04:00 pm
Grenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic Committee
(Mon - Sat)
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Grand Anse, Grenada
Grenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic Committee

Grenada Boxing Association

Grenada Boxing Association

The Grenada Boxing Association represents the country of Grenada in boxing. Great boxing players exhibit a combination of physical, mental, and emotional qualities that contribute to their success on the court. Here are some key qualities of exceptional tennis players:

Training Intensity: A strong boxing team engages in focused and intense training sessions that include sparring, bag work, conditioning, and skill development.
Sparring Partners: Quality sparring partners help boxers sharpen their skills, adapt to different styles, and prepare for various opponents.
Weight Management: Boxers on a strong team manage their weight effectively, ensuring they compete in their optimal weight class while maintaining peak performance.

 The Grenada Boxing Association is led by  and the Vice President is 


Effective Corner Support: The team's corner, including the coach and support staff, provides guidance and motivation during fights, offering strategic advice between rounds.

Conditioning and Recovery:  Proper conditioning and recovery practices contribute to boxers' ability to perform at their best during fights and reduce the risk of injuries.

Respect for the Sport and Opponents: Displaying respect for the sport, opponents, and the rules of boxing is essential for maintaining the integrity of the sport.

Fair Play and Sportsmanship: Displaying good sportsmanship, respecting opponents, and adhering to the rules contribute to the overall integrity of the sport.



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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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