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Grand Anse, Grenada

Grenada Netball Association

Grenada Netball Association

The Grenada Netball Association represents the country of Grenada in netball. Great netball players exhibit a combination of physical, mental, and emotional qualities that contribute to their success on the court. Here are some key qualities of exceptional tennis players:

Positional Awareness: Players are aware of their positions and responsibilities within the team structure, understanding the specific roles of each position.
Goal Shooting Accuracy: Accurate shooting is essential for success in netball. Strong teams have players who consistently convert scoring opportunities.
Defensive Prowess: A strong netball team excels in defensive play, with players adept at intercepting passes, creating turnovers, and disrupting the opposition's attacking rhythm.

 The Grenada Netball Association is led by  and the Vice President is 


Fitness and Conditioning: Maintaining excellent physical fitness and conditioning contributes to sustained performance and reduces the risk of injuries.

Effective Use of Substitutions: Coaches strategically use substitutions to manage player fatigue, adjust tactics, and maintain a high level of intensity throughout the game.

Fair Play and Sportsmanship: Displaying good sportsmanship, respect for opponents and officials, and adherence to the rules contribute to the overall integrity of the sport.

By embodying these attributes, a netball team can create a strong foundation for success, both in individual matches and in tournaments or leagues.


  • Morne Rouge,
    Grand Anse, Grenada
  • 1-473-435-3015


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