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Grenada Sailing Association

Grenada Sailing Association

The Grenada Sailing Association is there to encourage, support & endorse yachting activities; support educational programmes and training with particular emphasis on juniors and youth, for the long-term goal of participation in international, national and intersectional competitions; encourage all activities and events which promote Grenada as a destination for sailing and yacht racing events.

The Grenada Sailing Association was formed as the National Administrative Body and registered in June 1997. Currently the Association works towards these goals:

Encourage: Support and endorse yachting activities among members of the Association Key areas: Junior Sailing; Dinghy Racing; Keelboat Racing; Work Boat Racing and Community Sailing; Regattas and Sailing Events
Govern Competitions: Provide guidance on rules governing sailing competitions and the conduct of sailing competitions among the members of the Association
Support: Foster and support educational programmes and training for amateur yachtsmen, with particular emphasis on juniors and youth, for the long-term goal of participation in international, national and intersectional competitions

 The Grenada Sailing Association is led by  and the Vice President is 


Fitness and Physical Endurance: Sailors maintain excellent physical fitness and endurance, as sailing can be physically demanding, especially in strong winds or challenging sea conditions.

Navigation Skills: Strong sailing teams possess navigational expertise, understanding charts, buoys, and other navigational aids to optimize their course.

Weather Analysis: Awareness of weather conditions and the ability to analyze weather forecasts contribute to strategic decision-making during races.

Risk Management: Successful sailing teams assess and manage risks effectively, making safety a priority while pushing the limits of performance.



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