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Grand Anse, Grenada

Grenada Karate Federation

Grenada Karate Federation

Our martial arts organization, based right here in beautiful Grenada, offers an exciting opportunity for kids to learn the art of Shotokan Karate.

Physical Fitness: Excellent physical fitness, including strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance, is crucial for performing karate techniques effectively.
Kumite (Sparring) Skills: Proficiency in kumite, which involves controlled sparring with opponents, demonstrates a player's ability to apply techniques in dynamic and competitive situations.
Spirit of Budo: Understanding and embracing the philosophical aspects of karate, known as the spirit of budo, contributes to a strong player's overall development as a martial artist.

 The Grenada Karate Association is led by  and the Vice President is 


Respect and Etiquette: Strong karate players display respect for their instructors, training partners, opponents, and the traditions of karate through proper etiquette.

Character Development: Karate is not just about physical skills; it is also a path of character development. Strong players strive to embody qualities such as integrity, humility, and perseverance.

Kata Performance: Strong players excel in performing kata with precision, emphasizing correct form, timing, and understanding of the martial art's principles.



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