Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 04:00 pm
Grenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic Committee
(Mon - Sat)
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Grand Anse, Grenada
Grenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic CommitteeGrenada Olympic Committee

Grenada Table Tennis Association

Grenada Table Tennis Association

Grenada Table Tennis Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth of table tennis on an international level. Great table tennis teams possess a combination of individual and collective qualities that contribute to their success on the table. Here are some key qualities of exceptional table tennis teams:
Tactical Acumen: A deep understanding of table tennis strategies, including shot placement, spin variations, and counterattacks, is crucial for success. Teams often develop and adapt tactical plans based on opponents.
International Exposure: Exposure to international competitions provides valuable experience and helps players adapt to different playing styles from around the world.
Fitness and Agility: Physical fitness, agility, and quick reflexes are essential for table tennis players. Teams prioritize conditioning to maintain peak performance during matches.

 The Grenada Table Tennis Association is led by  and the head coach is 


Team Cohesion: Strong teamwork, communication, and a positive team spirit contribute to a supportive and motivating environment. Teams that work well together often perform better in both training and competitions.

Mental Toughness: Table tennis demands mental resilience. Players on great teams remain focused under pressure, adapt to changing game situations, and maintain composure during critical points.

Community Engagement: Engaging with the table tennis community and promoting the sport locally and globally can help build a positive image for the team and contribute to its success.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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