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Grenada Triathlon Association

Grenada Triathlon Association

In 1986 Paul and Victoria Slinger started the Annual Grenada Triathlon. The Annual Grenada Triathlon is normally held the last weekend in April each year and comprises of different events held over 2 days; individual events on Saturday and Relays on Sunday. Triathlon consists of three disciplines, swimming, cycling and running in that order. 

Mental Toughness

 The Grenada Triathlon Association is led by 


Consistency: This is about the sticking to the process day in and day out. You won’t always notice the forward progress you are making as you are offering training under significant fatigue. However, if you can stick to the training plan, eventually the fruits of your labor will be reaped.

Team Cohesion: A strong sense of camaraderie and team spirit fosters a positive training environment. Team members support and motivate each other, creating a cohesive and unified unit.

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing conditions, whether it's weather during training or unexpected challenges during a race, is crucial. Flexibility in training plans and the ability to adjust race strategies contribute to success.



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