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Grenada Volleyball Association

Grenada Volleyball Association

The Grenada Volleyball AssociationGVA ) is an organization founded in 1989 that governs the practice of volleyball in Grenada, being a member of the International Volleyball Federation , the entity is responsible for organizing national championships of men’s and women’s volleyball in the country.

Determination - Firmness of purpose.
Persistence - Firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty.
Tenacity - Persistent determination.

 The Grenada Volleyball Association is led by Richard Simon and Executive Member Raphael Brathwaite.


A team needs to have a strong foundation to build their goals. Players who know their personal and team goals are determined to achieve greatness.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Studies show that it takes 3,000 - 5,000 repetitions to get a skill burned into your muscle memory. A strong player practices after practice to master his/her skills.

The road to success is a hard road. Weak teams start to fall apart by fight amongst themselves, other players, fans and refs. The teams that travel the tough road with tenacity are strong cohesive teams. They all share the same focus to achieving success.



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